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  • M. Nakatsukasa, S. Almécija, D.R. Begun (2016) The Hands of Miocene Hominoids. The Evolution of the Primate Hand (eds.) T.L. Kivell, P. Lemelin, B.G. Richmond, D. Schmitt. New York, Springer. pp.485-514.






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  • N. Ogihara, Y. Morita, H. Amano, O. Kondo, H. Suzuki, M. Nakatsukasa (2013) Application of sliding landmark method for morphological analysis of modern Japanese neurocranial shape. T. Akazawa, N. Ogihara, H. C. Tanabe, H. Terashima (eds.). Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans, vol.2. Springer, Tokyo. pp. 145-152.
  • Y. Morita, H. Amano, M. Nakatsukasa, O. Kondo, N. Ogihara (2013) A geometric morphometric study of neurocranial shape variations in the crania of modern Japanese. T. Akazawa, N. Ogihara, H. C. Tanabe, H. Terashima (eds.). Dynamics of Learning in Neanderthals and Modern Humans, vol.2. Springer, Tokyo. pp. 153-160.
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京都大学大学院理学研究科 自然人類学研究室
