2012/04 |
N. Ogihara, T. Kikuchi, Y.Ishiguro, H. Makishima, M. Nakatsukasa (in press)
Planar covariation of limb elevation angles during bipedal walking in the Japanese
macaque. J. R. Soc. Interface. |
2012/04 |
N. Ogihara, S. Aoi, Y. Sugimoto, K. Tsuchiya, M. Nakatsukasa (2011) Forward dynamic simulation of bipedal walking in the Japanese macaque: investigation
of causal relationships among limb kinematics, speed, and energetics of bipedal
locomotion in a nonhuman primate. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 145, 568-580. doi:10.1002/ajpa.21537 |
2012/03 |
N. Ogihara, H. Makishima, E. Hirasaki, M. Nakatsukasa (2012) Inefficient use of inverted pendulum mechanism during quadrupedal walking in the Japanese macaque
Primates 53:41–48. |
2012/03 |
D. H. Temple, M. Nakatsukasa, J. N. McGroarty (2012) Reconstructing patterns of systemic stress in a Jomon period subadult using incremental microstructures of enamel. J. Archaeol. Sci. 39, 1634-1641. |
2011/08 |
T. Sakai, A. Mikami, M. Tomonaga, M. Matsui, J. Suzuki, Y. Hamada, M. Tanaka, T. Miyabe-Nishiwaki, H. Makishima, M. Nakatsukasa and T. Matsuzawa. (in press) Differential Prefrontal White Matter Development in Chimpanzees and Humans. Current Biology. |
2011/07 |
日下 宗一郎,五十嵐健行,兵藤不二夫,藤澤珠織,片山一道. 2011 伏見城跡遺跡から出土した江戸時代人骨の安定同位体による食性分析. Anthropological Science (Japanese Series). 119, 9-17 |
2011/05 |
K. T. Uno, T. E. Cerling, J. M. Harris, Y. Kunimatsu, M. G. Leakey, M. Nakatsukasa, H. Nakaya. Late Miocene to Pliocene carbon isotope record of differential diet change among East African herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108 : 6509-6514. |
2011/04 |
日下宗一郎,覚張隆史,中野孝教.(2011) コラム3 ストロンチウム同位体分析からわかる人や動物の移動.湯本貴和,高原光,村上哲明(編)シリーズ日本列島の三万五千年――人と自然の環境史 第6巻 環境史をとらえる技法.文一総合出版,東京,pp. 199−202. |
2011/04 |
Kunimatsu, Y. & Yamamoto, A. (2011) Familial agenesis of mandibular first molars in Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). Anthropological Science. 119(1):1-8. |
2011/01 |
東島沙弥佳. (2010) タイワンザルとアカゲザルにおける尾筋付着部位の比較. 霊長類研究. 26, 107-113. |
2010/11/15 |
G. A. Macho, I. R. Spears, M. G. Leakey, D. J. McColl, Y. Jiang, R. Abel, M. Nakatsukasa, Y. Kunimatsu. (2010) An Exploratory Study on the Combined Effects of External and Internal Morphology on Load Dissipation in Primate Capitates: Its Potential for an Understanding of the Positional and Locomotor Repertoire of Early Hominins, Folia Primatologia. 81, 292–304. |
2010/10/05 |
A. Mazurier, M. Nakatsukasa, R. Macchiarelli (in press) The inner structural variation of the primate tibial plateau characterized by high-resolution microtomography. Implications for the reconstruction of fossil locomotor behaviours. Comptes. Rendus. Palevol. |
2010/10/05 |
S. Kanamoto, N. Ogihara, M. Nakatsukasa (in press) Three-dimensional orientations of talar articular surfaces in humans and great apes. Primates. |
2010/09/01 |
S. Kusaka, T. Nakano, T. Yumoto, M. Nakatsukasa (in press) Strontium isotope evidence of migration and diet in relation to ritual tooth ablation: A case study from the Inariyama Jomon site, Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science. |
2010/06/28 |
M. Nakatsukasa, E. Mbua, Y. Sawada, T. Sakai, H. Nakaya, W. Yano, Y. Kunimatsu. (in press) Earliest colobine skeletons From Nakali, Kenya. American Journal of Physical Anthropology |
2010/05/17 |
S. Kusaka, F. Hyodo, T. Yumoto, M. Nakatsukasa. (2010) Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis on the diet of Jomon populations from two coastal regions of Japan. Journal of Archaeological Science. 37. 1968-1977. |